Additions to Archive - April 2023

The Society has recently (April 2023) been fortunate to receive two contributions to the SCLHS Archive from long-time SC resident Jonathan Blinman.  The items concerned are:

(a) a visitors book apparently from The Manor covering the period 1910-1917 and containing some lovely photographs of the grounds and some fascinating material relating to the social life at the Manor during this period.  Thanks to the Oxfordshire History Centre, the Society has had the main contents of the visitors book digitised.  These can be seen in the OHC PictureOxon archive and via the Archive page below. Meanwhile the Society has also arranged to store the original visitors book with the SCLHS Archive Box in the River Room at All Saints’ Church, where it can be viewed by arrangement with the parish office or John Talbot or Mary Thompson for the Society. For more detailed information about the contents of the visitors book, see the Archive page

(b) a description of the airborne “invasion” of Sutton Courtenay in 1944 (courtesy of Jonathan Blinman presented in the form of a letter to his grandson) is available here.

The Society is always pleased to receive offers of items which shed light of the history or particular events in the village for the SCLHS Archive.  Contact:

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